In our everyday lives we can sometime feel burnt out and stressed; taking a break to focus on ourselves and enjoy hobbies and interests can make us to feel more relaxed and content. Holidays give us the opportunities to explore and expand horizons, increase our creativity and energy so easily reduced in our day to day lives. Holidays and even short breaks enable us to rest, recharge, and step back from the everyday, so that we can re-engage with friends and loved ones, and importantly ourselves.
We thought we’d share just ten of the health benefits that holidays and short breaks can offer.
During and post-pandemic stress has high; with children, young people and adults reporting high levels of anxiety. Holidays can offer time to take a step back from the day-to-day and review what may be the source of your stress or anxiety so that you can consider the changes that may be needed.
Holidays allow you to take part in new activities without any pressure or expectation of the outcome. The lack of deadlines, diary commitments or daily structures can reduce your feelings of stress or anxiety and provide you with the time and space you need to re-evaluate, take stock and relax.
As well as relaxing and resting, activities such as painting, paddle-boarding, walking or reading are fantastic ways to recharge your battery, but so many of us find it difficult to set aside the time to do so. Having time set aside during a holiday or short break to explore current or new interests can be invigorating and motivating. You can find or re-find a whole new you!
Have you ever considered a holiday on your own? When life is busy and sometimes stressful, it can be difficult to find the time to spend on and by ourselves. Deciding to go away on your own, or at least spend your time alone on holiday might feel odd to begin with but think of it as a mini-retreat, focussing on your own wellbeing and reconnecting with your own thoughts. An indulgent spa break is one way to do this but there are others such as solo holidays, walking or hiking, or a specialist holiday such as yoga or meditation retreats. Whatever works for you will have you return to your friends and family renewed and revived.
Many of the activities on offer while on holiday can help to improve your fitness. So if you haven’t found time to focus on your fitness and health at home, using a holiday to kickstart a new regime is a great idea. Popular activities include hiking, cycling and kayaking on their break; enjoying the fresh air and boosting your levels of serotonin (the happiness hormone). You might also try new foods or diets while there is someone there to prepare it for you. Whatever you decide to do differently it will be a great boost to changing your habits and levels of activity when you return home.
Just being on holiday, exploring new places and being with those you love can lead to a boost in the amount of serotonin that your brain produces. Stepping away from stressful situations, relaxing and having time to do what you want to do, rather than what has to be done, can certainly improve your wellbeing and mental health, reduce anxieties and give you space to consider how you might address your work-life balance on your return.
Being on holiday usually means that we allow ourselves to indulge a little and eat and drink more than usual. But being in a different place, and often a different country and culture also provides the opportunity to try different foods and be a bit more adventurous with our diet. You may find that a change in diet has an impact on your wellbeing, energy, skin and fitness, and you return home with a fresh approach that will have long-term effects. So, challenge yourself, break any habits you may have fallen into by revisiting foods you have long told yourself you don’t like; you might have a nice surprise! Entrenched habits, including eating habits can restrict life and what it offers. So, give olives, oysters, spices and any other personal ‘no go foods’ another go; that’s what a holiday can do!
Burnout can happen when we are under physical or mental stress for a prolonged period of time. We quite literally have no more to give and come to a stop. This can be attributed to work or exam stress, family pressures or just doing too much for too long! If someone has said to you recently that ‘you need a holiday’ they may be right. But don’t leave it until you are burnt out because that is not a healthy place to be. A well timed holiday will help to avoid burnout, enable you to evaluate the causes and make the changes that are necessary when you return. No matter how much you need to get done, it is important to take care of yourself first and foremost, so that you can do your job and take care of your loved ones well. So take regular breaks and changes of scenery; call it a holiday or just ‘time out’.
Human beings are social creatures; we need time with our families and friends to enjoy each other’s company and to be happy and content. As well as spending quiet time along we equally need time to meet and enjoy new friends and acquaintances, to connect with the world and all it can bring. Group holidays either your own or joining an organised group is a great way to meet people you wouldn’t normally come across in your daily life. So broaden your social horizons as well and the geographic ones. You could meet someone who will remain a friend for years, or even the love of your life!
It is difficult to feel positive or motivated all the time. It can be exhausting and sometimes it is okay to feel sad or ‘not okay’. But taking a break, going somewhere new, beautiful, fascinating or challenging can stimulate our minds as well as our bodies and show us new opportunities, new ways of being and new versions of ourselves. Travel it is said ‘broadens the mind’ but if can also set it free.
It isn’t just children who should have fun! When did you last have a good laugh with friends, let your hair down and play!!? All the reasons listed here are important for our wellbeing and health but don’t forget that laughter is a great healer, whether we are in need of serious TLC, recuperation or just a break. Having fun with those we love is a double enjoyment as we see them also laughing, relaxing and enjoying time with us. Taking time away to enjoy yourself is an incredible feeling, and having fun is good for your mental and physical health. So, leap into that pool like a 10 year old, dance with your loved one until late into the night, have a go on a banana ride or water scooter and smile. That holiday is only a click or a phone call away, so get in touch with me today!
As a Personal Travel Consultant, I am able to organise fantastic holidays all over the world that are completely ABTA and ATOL protected. Also being part of the Hays Travel Group, I have the backing and resource of the largest independent travel group in the UK – meaning great service and prices!